Saturday, April 18, 2009

Meme 2

The meme from K.

1. last beverage = mocha from Max B
2. last phone call = a friend J
3. last text message = to B
4. last song you listened to = "Penny Lane"
5. last time you cried = this arvo, watching "The Secret Life of Bees"

6. dated someone twice = nope, but I'm not ruling it out...
7. been cheated on = I think I've been but I'd rather not find out
8. kissed someone & regretted it = no
9. lost someone special = yes
10. been depressed = yes
11. been drunk and threw up = yes, and good thing I've been there, I don't wanna be a bitter old fart who hasn't experienced it at all...

12. peacock-blue
13. black
14. mustard yellow

15. made a new friend = I can't remember...maybe? I'm terrible with names and faces.
16. fallen out of love = nope
17. laughed until you cried = I think so, can't remember either
18. met someone who changed you = didn't exactly meet them for the first time, but just saw my cousins again after a long time and thought that they have such a good life and I decided to work hard for my own happiness too :)
19. found out who your true friends were = probably, but more along the lines of people who have ulterior motives and how to detect them without getting too close first
20. found out someone was talking about you = yes, just last night, that bitch...
21. kissed anyone on your friend's list = no

22. how many people on your friends list do you know in real life = all of them except one. Honestly, I regretted agreeing to adding that person since that's never been my principle to add people I don't know...
23. how many kids do you want to have = 2 is a good number; I agree with what my parents said about having one parent attending to each child :)
24. do you have any pets = nope
25. do you want to change your name = no, I'm now proudly comfortable with my name :)
26. what did you do for your last birthday = ate cupcakes and had great drinks with those who matter to me :)
27. what time did you wake up today = 1 PM, not proud of it...
28. what were you doing at midnight last night = meeting the girls at a club
29. name something you CANNOT wait for = WORLD CUP 2010! :D
30. last time you saw your mother = er, she's in front of me right now...
31. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = my lack of confidence; would love to be more of a go-getter...
32. what are you listening to right now = the sound of "Defiance"; my parents are watching it behind me right now...
33. have you ever talked to a person named Tom = um, does a Tommy count?
34. what's getting on your nerves right now = Indos with bob-cut hair and blunt fringe wearing black leather jackets; seriously, you gotta get over yourselves, you still look like maids stumbling across shitload amount of money
35. most visited webpage = Facebook and Twitter!
36. what's your real name = Raisha
37. nicknames = Sasha, Sash, Sha, Rai
38. relationship status = single
39. zodiac sign = Libra
40. male or female? = oh, I don't know...female? :P
41. elementary? = Don Bosco and Cibun
42. middle school = Cibun and MGC
43. high school/college = MGC
44. hair color = black
45. long or short = short and loving it :)
46. height = 156 cm
47. do you have a crush on someone? = yes
48: what do you like about yourself? = big eyes and long lashes
49. piercings = two
50. tattoos = no, but I could change my mind, I don't know...
51. righty or lefty = a bit of both; I write and eat with right, but hold racquets, bats, bowling balls and scissors with left

52. first injury = I think I fell flat on my head on a marble floor when I was 5ish but got up and continued playing with my cousins again...
53. first piercing = around 7 or 8
54. first best friend = Lindsay Liem
55. first sport you joined = something like a baseball
56. first vacation = I think The Netherlands and Germany
58. first pair of trainers = dude, I can hardly remember what I ate last night, I can't remember that far back...

59. eating = nothing
60. drinking = none
61. I'm about to = drink lemon lime tea :)
62. listening to = the sound from the movie "Defiance"
63. waiting on = some money to come through

64. want kids?= sure, but preferably adopted; can't imagine myself giving birth to someone, oh my Lord...
65. get married? = would love to
66. career? = yes, please! A job in a fashion magazine, thank you...
67. lips or eyes = eyes
68. hugs or kisses = hugs
69. shorter or taller = taller
70. older or younger = older
71. romantic or spontaneous = spontaneous always seems to work out rather than planned-out stuff...
72. nice stomach or nice arms = stomach, oops...
73. sensitive or loud = sensitive
74. hook-up or relationship = relationship, but my friends say hook-ups could do me good, LOL...
75. trouble-maker or hesitant = neither

76. kissed a stranger = no
77. drank hard liquor = yes
78. lost glasses/contacts = nope, don't wear glasses or contacts
79. had sex on first date = no
80. broken someone's heart = no
81. had your own heart broken = yes
82. been arrested = no; who do you think I am, Lindsay Lohan?
83. turned someone down = yes, but we're now best friends
84. cried when someone died = no, I express sadness by laughing instead...come on, what kind of question is this?
85. fallen for a friend? = no

86. yourself = most of the time, no
87. miracles = yes, I rely on it a bit too much sometimes
88. love at first sight? = not at the moment
89. heaven = yes
90. Santa Claus = I never knew about Santa until I knew he didn't exist
91. kiss on the first date = sure, why not?
92. angels = yes

94. had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time = no, totally disagree on this
95. did you sing today? = yes, to The Beatles!
96. ever cheated on somebody? = some people probably consider it harmless, but I think I did cheat...
97. if you could go back in time, how far would you go?= probably to the 1960s and see when everything unfolded - The Beatles, Edie Sedgwick, Twiggy and of course, the Batman euphoria in 1966; and then I'll probably go back to 1996-1997 when Britpop came back and I'd stay up to watch late-night MTV, waiting for any videos of Blur or Suede to come up, and the trip to The Netherlands and going to the record stores to get the Britpop bands' CDs and having that European vibe all around you...
98. if you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = that one whole day being spent in Brunswick doing fashion photoshoot for the magazine; felt like it was such a productive day and everyone having a great time on the shoot, it was amazing!
99. are you afraid of falling in love? = I guess it would suck if it doesn't work out in the end, but no, I'm not afraid...
100. posting this as 100 truths? = nope


Jarome B Jackson said...

i hate to be gross but meme sounds so wrooooong. HOw come you Cry so much?

Sasha said...

And I hate it when you hate it to be gross because I hate to say it, but you're gross! :P

K. said...

haha you did it here!

>34. what's getting on your nerves right now = Indos with bob-cut hair and blunt fringe wearing black leather jackets; seriously, you gotta get over yourselves, you still look like maids stumbling across shitload amount of money
---LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLLL God i almost died laughing..

Sasha said...

Yarrr, it's like, so totally, like, overrated...

Budiuta said...

SHA u r soo crazyyy!! R u always like this??

Sasha said...

Why am I crazy, Budi?

Budiuta said...

just a phase!!! hehehe!!
i think im gonna do this one!!