Sunday, January 11, 2009

Midnight ramble

I hung out tonight at V's place; there were B, D and Ceuceu, as well as Amar and Tanno. We got together to watch "Transamerica" and then sat around for a bit of talk and some drinks. It was nice, clean fun tonight.

I need to go and rest for the whole day tomorrow. It's my last day off before I have to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They're not extremely long hours, but I know I'll go nuts from having to see the same place every day for 7 days.

But that also means money, which is always good. I'm planning to save up a lot this year, especially since there's the possibility that K, A, L and I are going to Japan this September. On top of that, my cousin and I have already planned to go around Indo between July and August. Well, I'm hoping to get a bit of financial boost for that trip from my lovely grandparents, so if that happens, technically I need to just save up for Japan.

I am shit-tired. I'm gonna go and get some sleep now then.

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