Friday, October 16, 2009

Nauseating hopes

So this is my 100th post! Hmm, I guess this is a big milestone, more than my 600th tweet on Twitter.

Anyway, I've been feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous lately; I guess it's from my lack of exercising and I keep eating junk with little to no fruit and vegetable intake. That and lack of caffeine. I realise my body is starting to depend heavily on the stuff now.

Apart from that, it's another 2 weeks till Jakarta. I cannot wait. I'm looking forward to shopping, eating donuts and other junk, more shopping, more eating donuts and other junk and going to the salon to get my hair done and manicure pedicure. Oh, and I think I should make a list of things to eat while I'm there.

I'm serious.


Jarome B Jackson said...

it might be because you need dairy and yakult. or may be thats because you got stommach bug. its not scary though.

anyway I have a good news... please read my latest blog entry part 3.

Jarome B Jackson said...

oh yeah and congrats on the 100th issue!