Thursday, April 30, 2009

Much love

You know the saying 'I have so much love to give'?

Well, right now, I have so much HATE to give.

Some of the customers I had at work yesterday and today were simply shocking on a basic human level. I can't even believe those people exist just to waste our oxygen supply. I'm sorry, but when you can't even treat other human beings properly, you might as well be put in the same place as the racist and homophobic sons of bitches. Hitler would love some company, thank you.

My landlord isn't only clueless in how to spell 'recession', but clearly she doesn't even know what the word means. After increasing our rent less than a year ago, she's done it again now. Take a guess, people: 1) she's had lack of sexual partners that she's frustrated and thus can't function, including think properly 2) she's just plain mentally challenged 3) she's, well, please fill in the blanks, I'm sure she won't mind because, oh my God, she probably won't even understand what you mean cos she's just that dumb.

I really hope these people will do some serious damage control to their behaviour soon or else, you know, with other people wanting to kill them and all, the sales of shotguns would go up. And that's not the message we're trying to put out to the children, riiight?

1 comment:

Budiuta said...

let me Kill that Lady Landlord!!!
she is even lower than bitches,
have u ever plan to move out??